Monday, February 23, 2009

WaSP- A Halo 3 Machinima- Episode V- Puternik

It's up. Here.

Stupendous storyline-
Raymond Miller, the new leader of SWAT, is completely new to recruiting, but Philip Blue isn't. After Phil comes, a ''series of unfortunate events'' unfolds. Can Raymond be trusted as an ally, or is he responsible for the deaths of many people?

It's the most action-y episode of WaSP you'll see for a while.

PS- Script Progress-
I have all the episodes up to Episode VII- Act I written.

The only bad thing about YouTube is you can't upload videos over 10 minutes, unless you made your account in 2007, before Google bought YouTube, or if you get your movie sponsored on So I'm going to send Machinima a personal message with episode V in it, and hopefully notices my true talent. Anyway,

CYA. Enjoy my movies, please.

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