Saturday, March 28, 2009

Touch My Awesome Button, Joel.

Hey. Sorry I haven't done anything since 2001, but here's some updates.

U.D.#1- Mini-store

The store under the blog posts is a fake. I just wanted to make something like that because I was bored one day and it looked like fun. Feel free to admire and send me pm's on YouTube about how awesome they are. NO RECOMMENDATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

U.D.#2- FruityLoops

I just got FruityLoops, so I'll make my own music from now on. That's it.

U.D.#3- Heading Into Histor33

Okay. I've got everything captured, but not voiced. I've been putting it off for a REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEALLY long time. Not on purpose, but because I wanted to. I don't want to disappoint my 4 fans *ahem*, so I'll put it up this week. NOT WEEKEND! Be happy and consider yourself lucky if it's up on Sunday.

U.D.#4- Re-doing WaSP
I will be taking down ALL WaSP vids to redo the voice acting. This is only because you naggy people have broken my spirit by sending me 3 recommendations entitled "Machinima Enhancement Tips". So, even if it is bad when I redo it, DON'T BRING IT UP OR I WILL KEEP THEM ALL DELETED! Oh. And have a nice day.

So that's it. Also digitalph33r has started season 2 of Hard Justice, and Dlaz put up a Terrorman trailer, and they're both lookin' to be pretty good. Watch them!

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