Sunday, April 19, 2009

ding. Nah that wouldn't work.

For those of you complaining about the gay names of my blog posts, fuck off. Just read them.

I've decided to put the new WaSP video at the bottom of the blog posts right above the clothing. This is so when youtube gets all fucked up and I get my account ripped to shreds because I have a whopping 11 subscribers and my channel doesn't aadvertise anything, you can just watch them here.

Or I will post them at the video sharing site that the people against the destruction of Youtube (PADY) (That's made up) will make. (That's not made up)

Since hula will be invading youtube and changing the name to hulatube, PADY will probably name it and put all of the old shit back that made it so great.

Anyway, I'm basically screwed unless I can get my machinima on because he's number 2 subscribed all time behind *BEEP*. I don't us THAT bad of language EVER so I will refer to that fucking jackass as *BEEP*.

Anyway, I hope it happens. It won't happen overnight, I know. So my plan is to make the most kickass season of WaSP I can, which is why this season is nice and beautiful. CROSS YOUR FINGERS! I SAID CROSS THEM! Oh well. Might as well say goodbye right now.

just kidding.

Anyway I'll try to make WaSP amazing.


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